Mommy-baby essentials

♦A baby bag is one of the most essential items a mom would need. I purchased the Land baby diaper bag, and when I say it made my life with a newborn so much easier, I mean it. I traveled back home, which was close to a 22-hour flight, and this diaper bag could fit so much, and I didn’t have to worry about running out of baby supplies while in the plane.

♦If you plan on nursing your baby, then investing in the right breast pump is very important. I prefer the manual pump over an electric pump because with the manual one you can control the pumping speed and is much faster than relying on an electric one. Here’s my favorite manual pump

♦I bottle-fed and breastfed my children from the beginning. It’s always good to give them the bottle so that they can transition easily and a family member can always look after them if you ever needed a break. That’s why investing in good baby bottles is really important. I have been using these Comotomo bottles

Once your baby starts crawling, it becomes difficult to do a lot of things because you have to constantly watch them. I invested in this playpen by Evenflo and I haven’t regretted purchasing it. I can put my baby in there with his favorite toys and work without worrying. They stay there for about 45 minutes before getting cranky but you can leave them in there if you ever needed to use the bathroom or get some chores done real quick

♦If you’re nursing your little one, for at least the first 7 months breastmilk will continue to flow out here and there even when the baby is not breastfeeding. So it’s always good to invest in buying high-quality nursing pads. I bought Hey Mama disposable nursing pads and I was totally in love. They’re super comfortable and they don’t fall off or unstick to your bra. Give them a try and I promise you, you will not regret it- 

♦An infant camera is a must-have. I always recommend a camera without Wi-Fi because there’s a high chance of getting hacked and I don’t want anyone watching my kids. I also prefer a one with a mic where you can talk to your baby if it takes you some time to go into the room. Check this camera out and it’s great for the price-


♦If you love traveling like me, then I am sure you are looking for ways to make your travel easy for yourself and your baby. That’s why investing in a baby carrier and stroller is so important. My favorite baby carrier that I have used for both my kids is none other than the Infantino brand. It is affordable and the condition of mine even after 5 years is still like brand new.

I also invested in a very lightweight stroller by Summer Infant and it’s still been in very good condition. I would highly recommend it as well because it is easy to carry anywhere and very simple to fold and unfold.